BOCES honors awarded
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BOCES honors awarded

Sep 01, 2023

WATERTOWN — The Charles H. Bohlen, Jr. Technical Center recently held its annual awards ceremony for graduating seniors that make up the Class of 2023. Three hundred twenty-five students were recognized for their accomplishments in the following programs: auto body, automotive technology, building projects, carpentry, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary arts, early childhood education, electrical wiring technology, electronic & computer technology, heavy equipment, hospitality services, medical assistant, motorcycle, marine & power sports, new vision health, nursing assistant, plumbing/hvac, veterinary practices, visual communications and welding.

Nathan Leviker, a 2013 graduate of the welding program from Belleville Henderson Central School, delivered the keynote address at the Dulles State Office Building June 9.

All graduating students will receive certificates for successfully completing their program requirements. One hundred ninety-four students were recognized for earning Technical Endorsement, which is an emblem attached to their high school diploma that signifies superior achievement and recognition by New York State for completion of an approved Career & Technical Education program. They also received a commemorative coin to mark the achievement.

Special scholarship awards from organizations and businesses were given to Carthage Central High School students:

Pepe’s Parts Express Awards: Josh Bigelow, auto body technology

Northern Cruisers Car Club Award: Josh Bigelow, auto body technology

Frank Reed, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: John Mack, motorcycle, marine and power sports

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